This page is not just about summer camps. It's about building a community of empowered individuals committed to sustaining positive change. We believe in creating a ripple effect that lasts beyond the lifetime of the project.
The Green-Life Skills Handbook is a transformative guide tailored to empower climate-smart youth, providing them with actionable knowledge and strategic insights to actively support climate initiatives.
Organizing summer camps and weekend forest getaways involves careful planning and coordination. You can access a user-friendly, structured checklist to help guide you through the process.
Our handbook is an excellent source of information about green living in both rural and urban settings. It gives an overview on green jobs and employment prospect. Additionally the handbook provides a detailed chapter on organizing youth initiatives, offering practical checklist for those who aim to organize youth camps.
Join our summer celebration and create your own story full of adventures and friendships!
Diverse Landscape From picturesque valleys to hilly terrains – Luxembourg will surprise you with its diversity.
Beautiful Beaches and Mountains From the golden beaches of Costa del Sol to the majestic mountains of Sierra Nevada.
Culture and Tradition Poland is a country rich in history and tradition. Our camps allow youth to delve into cultural heritage and discover the charms of local traditions.
Landmarks and History Italy is a country full of landmarks such as the Colosseum and the Vatican, taking participants on a fascinating journey through the centuries.
Technological Innovation Germany is known for advanced technology and innovation, providing inspiration for young minds.
Our personalized checklist makes it easy for you to organize your belongings before departure, preventing stress and ensuring you don't forget any crucial items.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission through Anefore Asbl., the National Agency in Luxembourg based in Walferdinge. This publication reflects the views only of the contributors editor towards content preparation and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
©2024. JointVenturesCamps. All Rights Reserved.
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We've curated a comprehensive checklist to make your journeys more comfortable and hassle-free. Whether you're planning a long trip, a weekend getaway, or a business excursion, our list includes essential items to help you make the most of every moment of your travels.
Camp Checklist For everyone who loves to travel